First what we did today... let me see, Ethan and I got up around 7am to nurse and than play. He really has taken to smiling and looking around. He is getting good at tracking people and other things with his eyes and is holding up his head pretty good now. He is not sleeping as much now as he did when he was a true newborn. He will nurse, burp, than want to look around and smile and be active.
Between feedings, I sat on the computer obsessing over fixing up this blog! ;) I like it now and must remember to keep it up to date. The only annoyance I had was the revelation that all the work I did last night to update my home website was lost! Apparently the trial addition of the temp software I am using does not save. HOW OBNOXIOUS!!!! Other than that, Ethan was really a charm today. We played, walked around the house in the Moby, ate, cried a little, slept a little, and basically had fun. Good day!
On to the topic at hand -- This might be TMI for any men in the crowd so stop reading now if you do not want to know about nursing -- I have finally cleared up the horrid infection I had over the past 4 weeks. It only took 4 antibiotic courses and lots of Tylenol to keep the fever at bay. Yuck! Now the obstacle I am facing is not common to most moms I know. I have a supply that could feed triplets and darn it is not comfortable -- In fact it just plain hurts. I try not to express milk as this only causes more to be made, but seriously, I have so much it has filled my freezer and now I need to go buy a chest freezer just to keep from dumping it all!!! I hate the thought of dumping my milk... I mean, I work to get it and I should keep it to at least give away or something. I think the solution is for Ethan to start drinking more to releive the discomfort... now how do I make him do that? I don't, so wait I must to get this under control. Eventually my body will regulate to his needs... I just wish it would do that sooner rather than later.
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