Pizza Day
He has basically started playing with me at every diaper change now. He looks at me and smiles and coos. It is really neat seeing him start developing a personality. We also went to lunch with Linda at Wagon Wheel Pizza and than went to Walmart to look for those little things you hang from the diaper bag that holds small plastic bags for dirty diapers. He did not cry once at either place. He really is a great baby to travel around with. I figured it would be good to get one of those for days when I forget my wet bag for the cloth diapers.
I had a good day until I called work than I just got cranky and wanted to go into fix it mode which is not my place right now. The sad thing is it took me sitting down and making financial spreadsheets for Erich and I to look at to get me to relax. What a dork am I!!!
Tomorrow is going to be a super busy day... Mommy Zone group, a visit to work, a sewing class and finally my sister is coming into town. It is exhausting me just thinking about it. Hopefully E will behave when it comes to nursing since we will be out so long. Till tomorrow!
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