So today was a pretty yucky day for me. I was told early in the AM that I was to be admitted to the hospital so I could see a specialist to help me knock this dumb infection. They did not have any beds in the morning so they had me waitiing at home and told me they would call with instructions once they had a bed open up. Well, I packed for Ethan, sat arund the house carrying the stupid phone around everywhere I went. 2 o'clock... nothing, 3 o'clock nothing and oops I fell asleep. 5 o'clock I woke up and of course it was too late to call the Dr to find out what was going on, so I called the hospital. They had a room picked out, but it needed to be cleaned so no admission yet. Now since it was after 5, the specialist would not be able to see me till tomorrow morning (so I wonder why I should go in at all just to sleep at the germ infested place where I got sick to begin with?!?!?). The hospital called me to tell me the baby was not allowed when the Dr told me he would be so that pissed me off. I called the Dr and she said the entire hospital admission to see a specialist was just dumb and she was going to call them to see about stopping this mess. I got a call later that night from the Dr saying no hospital stay needed after she and the specialist consulted and reviewed my labs. If treatment was needed they felt that it could be done orally and not thru the stupid IV. So basically, I waisted my day sitting around wondering what was going on and getting really annoyed at them all. What a mess! The good news -- no hospital stay for me and Ethan was really good all day!
I also got some really neat pics of Erich wearing Ethan!
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