... and baby makes 4
Since I have not been blogging, I need to back up a little bit. Last year Erich and I found out we were expecting another little bundle of joy and on November 12, 2009 at 11:18am Aiden was born. He was 8# 5oz and 20 inches long and had an apgar of 9/9.

The VBAC started how I wanted, me walking resting and basically doing what ever I wanted. I did this for quite some time until I got tired of not having any regular pattern and decided to sleep instead. Once they finally got around to checking me I was only 3cm dialated. The result? Pitocin. Yuck. Like Ethan, I ended up with pitocin to move labor along, however - unlike Ethan - my contractions started on their own and I was progressing on my own. SLOWLY, but I was progressing. Once I had 'pit'

I was able to hold him for a bit before they cleaned him up and even able to nurse a little. He is quite the nursling! Sooooo much different this time around. :-) And, while most will think this is gross, I was able to see the placenta this time. I wanted to see it when I had Ethan, however the doctor said no and threw it away :-( as part of the surgery. I was not in a position to argue with her since I was sick from the anastesia and was in the middle of major abdominal surgery (C-Section). So having this time to see it was much better. It was strange looking. Amazing - that strange thing grew the little one for 40 weeks from a few cells to the beautiful little boy I have.
So this year I plan to get back to blogging. 140 characters on facebook can be li

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